
Over 35k+ satisfied creators

From idea to presentation in seconds

Easily create standout presentations and impress audiences
no design expertise required.

topic background

Complete presentations inthree simple steps

Describe your topic, let GenPPT create your slides, then customizeyour presentation to perfection

Briefly describe your topic

Get started by providing a quick overview of your topic, and let GenPPT take it from there!

can i help you
Slides done, stress gone

Turn your idea into a complete and well structured presentation - in seconds

Personalize with prompts

Use prompts to fully edit and customize each slide to make the presentation your own.


The ultimate tool to present your ideas effortlessly

Designing and presenting engaging slides has never been so simple

Ready to go slides in seconds

Say goodbye to time constrains and let GenPPT create your presentation – for any topic.


Generating presentation...

Impress with professional designs

Your AI powered design companion will help you create eye-catching slides that impress every time


Create anything you can imagine



GenPPT has you covered with professional slides for seminars, meetings, and conferences.


Marketing campaigns

Generate presentations that effectively communicate marketing strategies and campaign plans.


Business proposals

Impress prospects with persuasive, well-organized business proposals with amazing visuals.


Pitch decks

Create impactful pitch decks to present your ideas, products, or services to investors.

satisfied customers

35,000+ satisfied professionals

Join over 35'000 customers that use GenPPT to boost their productivity – saving time, effort and hassle

GenPPT was a lifesaver for my uni exam presentation. It helped me create polished slides with high quality content in no time.


Web Designer and Developer

The most powerful thing an AI can do is save your time. GenPPT does that, on steroids.

Desk Investor

Founder of deskinvestor.com

The most powerful thing an AI can do is save your time. GenPPT does that, on steroids.


Creator of llamadigest.com

The AI does the job it was supposed to do which is get rid of all the boring stuff. It works awesome, it looks awesome, it is awesome.


Founder of directoryfa.st

The AI does the job it was supposed to do which is get rid of all the boring stuff. It works awesome, it looks awesome, it is awesome.


Founder of directoryfa.st

The most powerful thing an AI can do is save your time. GenPPT does that, on steroids.

Desk Investor

Founder of deskinvestor.com

The AI does the job it was supposed to do which is get rid of all the boring stuff. It works awesome, it looks awesome, it is awesome.


Founder of directoryfa.st

GenPPT was a lifesaver for my uni exam presentation. It helped me create polished slides with high quality content in no time.


Web Designer and Developer

GenPPT was a lifesaver for my uni exam presentation. It helped me create polished slides with high quality content in no time.


Web Designer and Developer

GenPPT was a lifesaver for my uni exam presentation. It helped me create polished slides with high quality content in no time.


Web Designer and Developer

The AI does the job it was supposed to do which is get rid of all the boring stuff. It works awesome, it looks awesome, it is awesome.


Founder of directoryfa.st

Recent blog articles

We cover everything from design tips to presentation techniques to help you create beautiful and effective presentations.

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50+ Unique College Presentation Topics for 2025

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The easiest way to embed a video in PowerPoint


The easiest way to embed a video in PowerPoint

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Play powerpoint karaoke - Rules, tips and AI generator


Play powerpoint karaoke - Rules, tips and AI generator

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The easiest way to create amazing presentations

Get GenPPT today and transform your ideas into amazing PowerPoint presentations in only minutes!